VASTEC provides a range of government record management support services.
These include consultation services on:
- Database and Inventory Management Design
- Online or Cloud Documents and Records Storage
- Document and Records Security
- Regulatory Compliance
We provide expertise and advice. We do not provide software for records management and therefore have seen a wide range of solutions, and we are product-neutral. We help you select the best system and support you during setup, testing, and implementation.
We also provide ongoing support if needed.
What is a record?
Records consist of information created, received, and maintained as part of business or organizational activities. A record is often identified strongly with a document, and a record can be either a tangible object or digital information which has value to an organization. Records could also include books, videos, audio files, contacts, maps, photographs, and machine-readable materials.
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may have a record:
Was it created in the course of business?
For example, correspondence, agreements, studies
Was it received for action?
For example, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests or a controlled correspondence requesting specific information
Does it document organizational activities and actions?
For example, calendars, meeting minutes, project reports
Is it mandated by statute or regulation?
For example, administrative records, legal/financial records, dockets
Does it support financial obligations or legal claims?
For example, contracts, grants, litigation case files
Does it communicate organizational requirements?
For example, guidance documents, policies, procedures
All organizations produce and manage records. Some do it well, and others perhaps haphazardly. Records management includes a set of recognized practices related to the life cycle of your records. Your organization needs to identify, classify, archive, preserve, and destroying records. It would be best if you did each of these functions well and properly.
Taking control of your documents and other information from creation through destruction is the essence of Records Management (RM) for government and business entities. Many organizations, federal, state, and local governments must abide by retention schedules determined by law.
VASTEC provides a range of record management and online storage services to assist government and business organizations in all aspects of proper and secure records management. Our methods meet all regulatory compliance requirements.
Here are some of the critical records management services we offer
- Electronic Records Management
- Strategic Assessments and Planning
- File Plan Development and Management
- Hosted Data Repository: VASTEC on Demand
- Taxonomy Training
- Metadata Classification
- Retention Scheduling
- DoD 5015.2 Compliant Solutions
The last service in this list is vital. DoD 5015.2 outlines the baseline functionality required for records management applications used by the U.S. Department of Defense and has been endorsed by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
VASTEC is here to help you meet the challenges of the NARA M-19-21 deadline. Speak with one of specialists to learn how we can assist you.

Your Records Management Partner
VASTEC would like to become your special advisor and partner for all your records management needs. We can provide you with timely records management advice to make sure you know new standards, procedures, technology, and laws. For example, appropriate concerns exist about the ability to retain, access, and read electronic records over time. Electronic records require appropriate combinations of software versions and operating systems to be accessed. New technologies are essential to embrace, but technology can advance quickly, and organizations can be unaware of the most advanced technologies. Moreover, security threats from intrusions need to be prevented, and technologies to assist “bad characters” are also advancing.
Considerable research related to records management technology is one of the reasons you can count on VASTEC as your records management partner.
VASTEC is here to help you meet the challenges of the NARA M-19-21 deadline. Speak with one of specialists to learn how we can assist you.

Federal Records Act
The Federal Records Act of 1950, as amended, establishes the framework for records management programs in Federal Agencies. As the primary agency for records management oversight, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is responsible for assisting Federal agencies in maintaining adequate and proper documentation of policies and transactions of the Federal Government. This is done by appraising records (determining record value and final disposition of temporary or permanent records), regulating and approving the disposition of Federal records, operating Federal Records Centers and preserving permanent records.
NARA Standards
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation’s record keeper. NARA has instituted a list of records management standards that all Federal Agencies must remain in compliance with.
ISO standard 15489
2001 defines Records Management (RM) as the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records. ISO considers management of both physical and electronic records management.