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Vastec is a company that provides innovative, robust solutions for government document management.

We support the government at all levels – federal, state and municipal.

We also help organizations migrate from their legacy document management system, which is often paper-based, to a modern, secure, and more effective digital system. We are the experts in the area of converting paper-based records to a digital format.

Get rid of your storage boxes and filing cabinets. Secure your records against natural disasters and security breaches. Reduce your cost of records management and become more efficient and effective at the same time.

Whomever your clients or constituents are, we can help you to serve them better. Increase customer satisfaction! An increase in your customers’ satisfaction will also benefit the morale and attitude of your employees. Everyone wins with a modern document management system.

There is a better way. Let VASTEC help you to achieve it.

Vastec Services

Our services and government document management solutions fuel business and digital transformation. Our continuous investment and commitment to accessibility, integrity, security, quality, and innovation set us apart from other business and government document management companies. VASTEC proudly provides employment opportunities for the disabled, and our military veterans.

How We Deliver Success

  • Long and extensive history supporting government agencies
  • Cost-effective digitization and protection of vital records
  • Compliant with federal and state security mandates
  • We are an equal opportunity employer and hire the disabled and our veterans
  • We examine client solutions on many levels and from multiple perspectives
  • Lead the industry in accessibility solutions and record storage

Our approach and commitment will help you, our client, to be best-in-class for records management.

VASTEC is here to help you meet the challenges of the NARA M-19-21 deadline. Speak with one of specialists to learn how we can assist you.

Contact Us To Learn More

Vastec On Demand

Secure Cloud Based Document Storage From VASTEC

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems are costly to deploy. They also require significant maintenance and upgrade costs. VASTEC has solved that problem with VASTEC ON DEMAND cloud data record storage!


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Government Clients We Serve

VASTEC’s high level of attention to Department of Defense and Federal security protocols provides you with the assurance that sensitive information is always secure. That’s one reason why so many government agencies have chosen VASTEC for their secure document management and record storage.

Department of Justice Department of Transportation Department of Defense Defense Logistics Agency Defense Health Agency National Archives and Records Administration The Department of the Treasury United States Army Office of Personnel Management Department of Commerce Department of Veterans Affairs Social Security Administration Defense Technical Information Center Department of Health and Human Services US Department of Homeland Security Center for Disease Control and Preservation

For questions on products, services, and all other inquiries: